desquamate by A.R. Vaive


useless, loose, never a son
or dowry daughter delivered
can’t give, won’t take, press
cumshots into diamonds
she’ll wear them she’ll parade
take a whore snap your fingers
all you want she isn’t wrong
to want / to try / to wear her
tyrian robes her velvet her
crown of (thorns)
she is everywhere she is
everything she is made of
skin you cannot will not know
leave her be give her light
carry her abomination chalice
cup of trembling
sceptre & jewel & cock
or whatever she wears now
sexual impurity-bearer
disease hungry wolf
who cares she keeps you
sick anyway keeps you hard
and you want to tear her up
even in her appendages
costume jeweled jezebel
crimson beast seven headed
on the seven hills 777
squeeze in tight frame on this
berry drip ink into eyes, scratch
on forehead strip her down write
drinking christblood, saintblood
ribby viscera, cracked, gutted
fish eviscerated on the dock of man
all bone & scale and your laughter
tosses her in the ravine
she is the parts of woman
you cannot stand to eat.

A.R. Vaive is a 21-year-old writer living in the mountains of Pennsylvania, USA. She’s been published in The Voidspace, celestite poetry, Mister Magazine, and Apocalypse Confidential. She is an avid horror fan who can usually be found drawing, taking care of her pets, or imagining Sisyphus happy. Find her on Twitter @arVaive!
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