lövborg’s love letter by Gabe Mason

lövborg’s love letter

m<other laboured;favoured
                    her [[wo]]man-uscript sacrosanct
                    sweat&spasming muscles
                    weathered hands ??? car(ve)/[nivorous]
her lövborgian                   p!enmanship
                    .dead. in the
d{r}aught/er drawn; borne
                                        w/ brawn, burn
                    gen>d<re defi(n/l)ed
                                              w/ unpublishing
                    lights off;;;
                                        back out
                                                                         or try to
sharpie 2 paper in-k;in-verted clean
my YA.dystopia
                    my?opia /foretold
                    dys?phoria /unpenned
words to water
          water to whine
                    1 more time

Gabriel Mason is a soon to be UoS graduate with a BA in English & Theatre. Based in Sheffield, UK, he likes to put both weird words on pages and weird movements on stages; he has a love for the transitory, the liminal, and the palimpsestuous. Find him not knowing how Twitter works at @palimpsestpoet. 

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