I set off from you at a run by Emily Cotman

I set off from you at a run

after Michael Faraday

A scan of a letter, some lines of which have been blacked out, others highlighted, which now says: Faraday to Benjamin Abbott July 20, 1812; Monday Evening, 10 o’clock Dear Abbott, I wish to let you know the very pleasant walks runs and hops I had home that evening I set off from you at a run in the midst of the heat generated by the affair immersed in thoughts of fluids bodies you and your Brother My mind was deeply engaged proceeding to take care of the body by affectionate & also effectual ideas it was busily bothered my attention earnestly Inclined to proceed in smooth soft movement, vulgar friction and the best method of lessening it I went on with no interruption for some time except experiments in hand in head The Momentum of falling bodies struck my mind my head my ears my hands my back my body and tho I had at hand no apparatus it penetrated from thence I went home Sky-gazing

Emily Cotman (she/they) writes in the margins of the work week and dabbles in reanimating the dead. Her words appear in Lumpen, Zero Readers, Rough Trade Books & elsewhere. @emilycotman

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